Where can Big Data take you?

Here at CityTech CUNY, with strong collaboration and support from colleagues at Weill Cornell Medicine, we provide educational and research training opportunities to students enrolled in the Biomedical Informatics baccalaureate program (BIB), in a shared mission to prepare the next generation of innovators and visionaries in the field of biomedical big data science.

The BD2BMI program will accept 8 undergraduate Biomedical Informatics CityTech students every year, and will offer a plethora of training and educational activities, including a summer research internship, participation in conferences and symposia, and technical skills training sessions on UNIX, R, SQL and more.

Our goal is to provide educational and research training opportunities to students enrolled in the Biomedical Informatics baccalaureate program (BIB), in a shared mission to prepare the next generation of innovators and visionaries in the field of biomedical big data science.

“Hiding within those mounds of data is knowledge that could change the life of a patient or change the world.”

– Atul Butte

BD2BMI Areas of Interest

BD2BMI Areas of Interest Diagram

Bioinformatics, computational biology, is a relatively new and expanding field committed to the application of computer technology in the analysis and management of biological statistics. Some common career paths include: researcher, analyst and engineer. Each career path is rewarding because in this day and age, going forward—informatics will become a necessity.

If you’re serious about biomedical informatics, then be part of BD2BMI to begin your journey. Apply today!